Blauer Lotus - Geschichte, Verwendung und Wirkung

Viele Nutzer berichten von einer gesteigerten sexuellen Lust und einem erhöhten Verlangen nach Intimität nach dem Konsum des Blauen Lotus. Er enthält Verbindungen, die beruhigend und entspannend wirken können, was ihn zu einem natürlichen Hilfsmittel für Menschen...

The amazing benefits of bitters

In the world of gastronomy, flavors like sweet, salty or umami are often talked about, but one flavor is often overlooked: bitter. However, bitter substances are not only a culinary element, they also offer numerous...


Antioxidants can help reduce this damage and the risk....

What does “Disketer Shipping” mean?

We will send your order absolutely discreetly and neutrally. As the sender, we did not write down the shop name Canasups on our package, but rather our company name AMH GbR. This means you don't...

The effect of bitter substances on cannabis

Our liver plays an important role in detoxifying substances such as alcohol or medications. THC , the psychoactive component of cannabis, is also broken down by the liver .,,,


Some of the health benefits of flavonoids include:


For example, the terpene myrcene can help THC pass through the blood-brain barrier more quickly, thereby enhancing the effects of THC.

Endocannabinoid system

Studies have shown that disruptions in the ECS can lead to various diseases, including depression , anxiety , pain syndromes and metabolic disorders...


By interacting with these receptors, the green can influence the release and action of neurotransmitters in the brain...